

It is located on the 2nd floor of "Azure" building. It is open daily, except Sundays and Mondays, from 09.30 to 13.30. It will work until really warm weather comes.
And after that the children's room "Little Country" will move to the summer pavilion, which also houses the rental office (behind the fountain).
Now, in any weather, the kids have their own space for games and entertainment, and parents have the opportunity to entrust their kids to our experienced teacher who will entertain and look after them.

Send us your details and we will contact you
Surname, Name, Patronymic*
Your phone number in international format
Arrival date

222395, Republic of Belarus, Minsk region,
Myadel district, health resort area Naroch, 21 Peschanaya St.
UNP (TIN) 690000007, registration authority - Myadel District Executive Committee

Contacts, booking:





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