

Siesta is a program that will appeal to everyone! It will allow to enjoy relaxation, rest, mild detox, and care procedures. A special attraction of this program is a full body massage, you can choose Standard, Lymphatic Drainage or Honey massage. All procedures are carried out in the SPA centre.

Goodbye fatigue

Everyone knows the feeling of fatigue and lack of energy, especially during bad weather or outbreaks of viral infections. Normally, this problem is solved with proper rest and sleep. But when such a state drags on and significantly reduces the quality of life, this is a signal that the time has come to think about recovery.

Health source

Source is a place where something is born, appears, begins to spread.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.
Combining both concepts, we get a place – "Priozerny" health resort, where the STATE OF FULL PHYSICAL WELL-BEING is born, the MENTAL WELL-BEING appears and SOCIAL WELL-BEING begins to spread. Program with medical procedures for intensive recreation in a short time.

Wellness tour

An intensive tour with an emphasis on medical procedures that strengthen the immune system and restore the body strength! The tour durations starts from 2 nights or more in order to use the available free time to the maximum in the modern rhythm of life.
It helps to reduce stress and tension, improve overall well-being.

Health care

Health is a point of effort, it cannot be formed this very second, it is a resource that is worth accumulation.
Health care involves:

attention to own health;
health should be perceived as a value, it shouldn't be taken for granted;
formation of the right lifestyle not only under the influence of motivation, but also of discipline.
The tour will be of interest to those who want quickly and comfortably make body checkup, undergo wellness procedures and recreate.

Express holidays

This is a program of express recreation, improvement of fitness to work. This is a light version of vacation aimed at entertainment, outdoor recreation, a brief switch from work to your physical and emotional state.
The purpose of the program: high-quality restorative rest and relaxation.
Focus on yourself and your needs. Plunge into relaxation, take a healthy break by spending a well-being day in an ecologically clean corner of Belarus.
Weekend tours are ideal for large cities dwellers who lead an active professional and social life, need outdoor recreation and recuperation in a favorable environment.

Unique recreation conditions
Special SPA atmosphere

SPA complex atmosphere is favourable for relaxation. In peace and quiet, enjoying recreation and beautiful view, you will forget about everything and not only your body, but also your mind will have a rest. Each treatment room of the spa centre is carefully and elegantly decorated in a unique style. Rooms for Thai massage, aesthetic peeling procedures and SPA rituals are complemented by sets for wellness practices.

Gym and general strengthening techniques

Programs include exercise therapy or gym classes, breathing practices and yoga. Available and specially selected practices act both on the physical and mental levels, help to cope with stress, improve the quality of life.

Swimming pool with sauna complex

The aquatic environment is the most productive and gentle way to influence muscles and joints. A visit to the swimming pool is included in every program so that you can enjoy your rest and restore your body.

Send us your details and we will contact you
Surname, Name, Patronymic*
Your phone number in international format
Arrival date

222395, Republic of Belarus, Minsk region,
Myadel district, health resort area Naroch, 21 Peschanaya St.
UNP (TIN) 690000007, registration authority - Myadel District Executive Committee

Contacts, booking:





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