
Buffet breakfast

"Priozerny" health resort restaurant adheres to the concept of tasty and healthy food. Daily three-time buffet service allows us to offer our Guests a wide variety and a wide selection of dishes that will satisfy the most demanding taste.

Our team consists of only qualified chefs with extensive experience and friendly waiters.


Meals in "Priozerny" health resort are organized in 2 spacious halls on the first and second floors of "Priozerny" building. According to buffet etiquette, seating in the halls is free, organized on a self-service basis, taking food out of the dining room is not customary.

The kitchen is equipped with the most modern equipment, air conditioners are installed in the halls, there are high chairs for feeding children.


Healthy and balanced ingredients are preserved thanks to delicate processing, which preserves the taste of the products and their valuable properties.

Locally produced farm products are used for meals preparation in the resort.

Combining the restaurant cuisine with the achievements of modern dietology, we comply with the standards of healthy eating.

Restaurant schedule:

Breakfast: 08:30 — 10:00
Lunch: 13:30 — 15:00
Dinner: 18:30 — 20:00

Send us your details and we will contact you
Surname, Name, Patronymic*
Your phone number in international format
Arrival date

222395, Republic of Belarus, Minsk region,
Myadel district, health resort area Naroch, 21 Peschanaya St.
UNP (TIN) 690000007, registration authority - Myadel District Executive Committee

Contacts, booking:





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